Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fired Up!

On Saturday, just 6 months shy of the November election, I drove down to Richmond, VA for President Obama's campaign kick-off rally. I could not miss the opportunity -- I may not get too many chances for a VA rally on a weekend afternoon.

The rally was energetic and inspiring, both serious and with moments of frivolity -- it was an afternoon spent with like-minded and friendly folks from around the Commonwealth.
If the events in Virginia this past year taught me anything it is that one can't sit on the sidelines and just hope things get better.

So for the next 6 months, I must get active in Virginia to make sure that our federal leadership is in place. I used to work on Capital Hill for many years and in many roles and it saddens me now to see the state of discord, vitriol and partisan fighting. Re-election seems to be the name of the game now -- not governing, not moving the country forward, not compromising.

I am not sure when compromise became a 4-letter word -- the line in the sand not to be crossed -- but I don't like it! Don't get me wrong, Representatives in Congress have always been about self-preservation, but today men and women running for election are more often judged on what they can't or won't do rather than what they can and will do. And to get things done, we all have to work together!

I believe that while 4 years may be a blip in our country's history -- the choices, the laws enacted, the regulatory promulgations and the Supreme Court decisions are vitally important to my life right now and in the future!

For me, the distinction between the candidates is strong!  I want continued strong leadership with a willingness to reach consensus.  I want to end the war in Afghanistan and grow the economy for everyone.  I want the Affordable Care Act to stand and I want our country to embrace our differences and move forward...together!

Elections have consequences and these are just a few of the reasons why I am getting involved -- whether to register new voters, educate people about the issues or get out the vote (GOTV) I may have to go outside my comfort zone but it's just too important not to!

So after Saturday, I am officially Fired Up and Ready to Move Forward for the Obama/Biden/Kaine team!

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