Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Space -- last flight of the Shuttle Discovery

Today I had the privilege to watch the Shuttle Discovery makes its fly-over curtain call. I almost missed it because it arrived over the skies of Washington DC a wee bit early. I only had time to get to Lafayette Park across the street from the White House but I think that was a beautiful spot -- the double decker flying machines with the White House and Washington Monument in frame -- can't get much more USA than that:)

I've always had an affinity for space. I marveled at those men and women that defied gravity and actually burst out there -- I watched many of the launches, but sadly, never once in person:( When I do stop and look at the moon on a cool, clear crisp night, I am reminded that some lucky men and women actually went there...lucky! It is the end of an era and I hope our country can dream big again!

As a child, I remember pouring over books and posters about the planets, making dioramas of the solar system, and a family vacation stop at the Kennedy Center in Florida -- wow, that place seemed HUGE! Over the years I watched the various incarnations of Star Trek, Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5 (sorry Sheldon) and repeats of Lost in Space. What's your favorite?

The Air and Space Museum is a must see for visitors to this area. I've been there many, many times so now I just point my visiting friends in that general direction. Sadly, I have yet to visit the Udvar-Hazy museum out in Virginia. That the Discovery will be residing there now is a great incentive to go out and wander. I just wish that, like the Air & Space Museum, I could wander for free...that $15 parking fee is steep (and it requires a car to get there)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Just Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale -- The Rock Boat XII

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...

It has been a full month since returning from my inaugural Rock Boat -- that Sixthman sponsored, Sister-Hazel-hosted, floating rock concert aboard the Carnival Elation, sailing from New Orleans to Cozumel (and back).

Settle in...this might take a while and good thing for you, there's still time to plan for The Rock Boat XIII!

It was at times raucous, at times sublime; at times solitary, at times a brotherhood; at times festive, at time contemplative...

First, I have to thank Barb and Mary for graciously inviting me to come aboard for the adventure that was Rock Boat XII. I jumped at the chance to go when I learned Carbon Leaf, Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers and The Alternate Routes would be aboard. Along the way, I also discovered many more bands (see way below)

I had been given a spreadsheet of the schedule for the 4 days -- each band performing three times from noon until the wee hours of the morning over those four days! What's a girl to do?!

Anticipation was high, check in was a breeze and from the moment we stepped aboard the Carnival Elation tethered in New Orleans, we were entertained in the Atrium by Bronze Radio Return, a band based in Hartford, CT (my old stomping ground). We dutifully sat thru the muster drill and laughed when we saw that the guys from Carbon Leaf would be our hall mates -- not sure they found it as amusing as we did:)

For the next four days and nights, music and booze would be flowing from every nook and cranny of the ship -- yes, there was a bar called the Drama Bar (my sign and sail bill says so). Although I may have sacrificed to lose those extra inches pre-cruise (survey is still out on that), not a day went by ship-side that I didn't partake of the molten chocolate cake or a fruity Drink of the Day in a commemorative glass!

The Highs

  • That instant when you cross the threshold onto the ship and the guitar chords are heard in the distance...everything is new
  • The sunshine
  • Being (mostly) unplugged from the world
  • Camaraderie among strangers -- guests and musicians alike -- I only met a fraction of the passengers but we were bound by our love of music and a vacation spirit
  • Sail-aways with Sister Hazel, Vertical Horizon and Tony Lucca
  • Picture this: sunset; intimate deck party; acoustic show; talent and emotion oozing and the guests moved to tears and laughter! (Will Hodge sunset cruise)
  • Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers and Carbon Leaf -- both bands dug into their vast catalog to give us three, no-repeat shows of different calibers...energy level at 11!
  • Red Wanting Blue rock show from a 2-tiered stage in the 8-story atrium packed to the gills
  • When artists guest-gigged with each other -- Goose (Kit Karlson) and Chip Johnson of Stephen Kellogg and the Sixers  were everywhere!
  • Michael Tolcher doing his best 'Taylor Swift' impersonation
  • (Unfortunately) leaving for another show just as The Alternate Routes lost power, went unexpectedly unplugged and didn't miss a beat -- heard it was spectacular
  • Post-midnight whiskeys near the casino -- the late-night meeting place
  • Fruity drinks and chocolate molten cake
  • Running on-deck on the ocean
  • Eureka moments
  • Discovering great new music -- Brian Jarvis Band, Alpha Rev, Bronze Radio Return & Drew Holcomb  
  • New friends and great memories

The Lows

  • The choppy seas...oh, the choppy seas -- nothing says rough seas more than seeing 'airplane vomit bags' attached to all the elevators one fine Sunday morning
  • The buffet not being open during that one 30 minute downtime between sets
  • A few schedule conflicts
  • No encores
  • Not nearly enough time to sleep in the sun
  • That nagging allergy-ridden cough that wouldn't (hasn't ) abate(d) and the post-Elation Plague
  • The post-midnight pizza that really was quite awful
  • That Bloody Bingo host that was kinda mean and not too funny (ok, maybe it was the choppy seas and the fact that I missed winning by one damn B#)  
  • That final 'Sign and Sail' bill -- seriously, someone MUST have had access to my card
Truthfully, there are just a few items I would like to see changed and I had ample opportunity to offer my suggestions in a post-cruise survey.


Now, take a moment, or 30, to check out a song from some of my favorite new musical discoveries -- These are NOT my Rock Boat XII videos but I have provided attribution

Red Wanting Blue
http://bit.ly/Hy6T5r (naptownblue)

Tony Lucca
http://bit.ly/HyJezV (poetess232)

Brian Jarvis Band w/Stephen Kellogg

http://bit.ly/IJpA04 (brianjarvisband official)

The Alternate Routes
http://bit.ly/IhzydM (mmtumbleweeds)

Bronze Radio Return

http://bit.ly/rogdqQ (InsiderIowa1) Not on the ship

Will Hodge

Michael Tolcher

Alpha Rev

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dl5QvjvniE (official video, not on ship)

Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors
http://bit.ly/IhXQpm (naptownblue)

The Damnwells
http://www.thedamnwells.com/ video not from ship